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magento 2.4 save region as string in address

I’m importing my customers via code and part of that import involves addresses and regions. If the region is in the database, I have no issue in importing it, I simply get the region id by the region interface:

/** @var MagentoDirectoryModelRegionFactory $region */
$region = $this->regionFactory->create()->loadByName($regionName, $countryId);
$regionId = $region->getRegionId();

This works. However, most of my customers have no regionId in the database.

On backend/frontend, when there is no region entry in the database, customers can fill in a text input and the region name is saved in the address. I’d like to accomplish the same thing with my code, that is: I’d like to save the region name even if there is no database entry.

How can I achieve that?