I am trying to move the top content of the header panel to by the minicart:
I have tried several methods such as:
<move element="header.links" destination="header-wrapper" after="minicart"/>
I have also tried creating a custom block and adding them to that:
<referenceContainer name="header-wrapper">
<container name="custom_header" as="custom_header" label="My Custom Header" htmlTag="div" htmlClass="custom-header" before="-"/>
<move element="header.panel" as="header.panel" destination="custom_header"/>
<move element="header.links" destination="custom_header" before="-"/>
<move element="currency" destination="custom_header" after="header.links"/>
But when they move they lose their dropdown formatting:
Anyone know how I can achieve this on the Luma theme.
Magento 2.4.5