At the moment I am trying to call a function that is in another block that I am writing from. I have tried through the __constructor()
to pass the other block but this has not worked and using the function $block->getLayout()->createBlock
to call it from the template(.phtml), but it has not worked either because it needs the $data
class Template extends MagentoCatalogBlockProductViewAbstractView
protected $_scopeConfig;
protected $_filterProvider;
public function __construct(
MagentoCmsModelTemplateFilterProvider $filterProvider,
MagentoCatalogBlockProductContext $context,
MagentoFrameworkStdlibArrayUtils $arrayUtils,
array $data
) {
$this->_scopeConfig = $context->getScopeConfig();
$this->_filterProvider = $filterProvider;
parent::__construct($context, $arrayUtils, $data);
public function getProductLanguage()
return $this->getLanguageTypes($this->getProduct()->getPepitoLanguage());
public function getLanguageTypes($option_id)
$languages = [
'7' => 'es',
'6' => 'fr',
'8' => 'de',
'5' => 'it',
'4' => 'en',
'1' => 'ru',
'2' => 'zh-CN'];
return $languages[$option_id];
This is the block i want to get the getProductLanguage()
method from.