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In Magento 2 the UPS integration stopped working. Did the gateway url change?

This is the full error code:

[2023-05-24 18:16:52] main.DEBUG: array (
  'request' =>
  array (
    'accept_UPS_license_agreement' => 'yes',
    '10_action' => '4',
    '13_product' => 'GNDRES',
    '14_origCountry' => 'US',
    '15_origPostal' => 'EDITED',
    'origCity' => 'EDITED',
    '19_destPostal' => 'EDITED',
    '22_destCountry' => 'US',
    '23_weight' => 2.0,
    '47_rate_chart' => 'Customer Counter',
    '48_container' => '00',
    '49_residential' => '01',
    'weight_std' => 'lbs',
  'result' => '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">
<title>302 Found</title>
<p>The document has moved <a href="">here</a>.</p>
) [] []

This is the gateway url I’m currently using:

The Magento version is 2.4.3 and the error started happening yesterday and still persists.

Has the gateway url change? Is there some other problem with the integration? Thank you!