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How do I hide images and compare button in category view List mode?

Using Codazon Fastest theme, I have created ~/fastest/fastest_child/Magento_Catalog/web/css/source/_extend.less which contains the following CSS extensions:

.catalog-category-view.product-item-photo {
  display: none
} {
  display: none

I have also tried defining class more specifically, like this:

.products-list.product-item-photo {
      display: none

Images and compare button are removed when I apply these styles from a a Firefox style editor, but after compilation the website still displays them. Other styles in the same _extend.less are applying properly.

Is there something I am missing that would tell this style to override others, or is there somewhere else I should be creating .less?

I did try to remove the compare button via default.xml using Magento 2: Safe and easiest way to disable Compare products & Wishlist Module but this did not remove the compare buttons in category view.