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Magento 2.3.3 Error Failed address validation: %1

Using Paypal , after placing an order customer is directed to paypal , inputs the email CC information and etc and is directed back to magento where they choose shipping and then click on place order.

I am getting this error:

Failed address validation %1

In the system log : Failed address validation, Email has a wrong format
However Email is valid with Paypal email address.

Any help would be appreciated.

The full error is:

main.CRITICAL: Exception message: Failed address validation: Email has
a wrong format


1 MagentoQuoteModelQuoteManagement->submitQuote()

called at [vendor/magento/module-quote/Model/QuoteManagement.php:447]

2 MagentoQuoteModelQuoteManagement->submit() called at [vendor/magento/module-paypal/Model/Express/Checkout.php:807]

Any help would be appreciated