Do you know of any extension for Magento Open Source that functions similarly to Adobe Commerce’s Magento_ResourceConnections for managing master-slave database connections?
In Adobe Commerce, these configurations are typically defined in the env.php
file, as shown:
return array (
'db' =>
array (
'connection' =>
array (
'default' =>
array (
'host' => 'default-master-host',
'dbname' => 'magento',
'username' => 'magento',
'password' => 'magento',
'active' => '1',
'slave_connection' =>
array (
'default' =>
array (
'host' => 'default-slave-host',
'dbname' => 'magento',
'username' => 'read_only',
'password' => 'password',
'active' => '1',
'table_prefix' => '',
The extension should handle database connections dynamically, routing read requests to the slave and write requests to the master.
If you know of any such extension, please let me know!