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Unwanted JavaScript Code Injected into Magento 2 CMS Static Block

I am facing an issue where unwanted JavaScript code is being injected into my Magento 2 CMS static blocks. Every time I manually remove this obfuscated JavaScript code from a static block, it reappears automatically after about 5 minutes.
enter image description here

Steps I Followed:

  1. Navigated to Content → Blocks in Magento 2 admin.
  2. Edited the affected static block and removed the injected JavaScript.
  3. Saved the block.
  4. After a few minutes, the unwanted JavaScript was injected back into the block.

Troubleshooting Done:

  • Checked the core_config_data table to see if any suspicious scripts are stored in the database.
  • Scanned Magento files for possible malware injections.
  • Reviewed Magento logs (var/log/system.log, var/log/exception.log) but found no relevant errors.
  • Disabled third-party extensions temporarily to see if any extension is causing this issue.
  • Checked for any automated cron jobs that might be modifying the CMS block content.

Possible Causes I Suspect:

  1. Malware Infection: There might be a malicious script running on the server injecting this code.
  2. Compromised Admin Account: A script or extension might be modifying CMS content using Magento’s API.
  3. Database Injection: The JavaScript could be stored directly in the database and injected whenever the page loads.

My Questions:

  1. How can I prevent this JavaScript from being re-added to my CMS blocks?
  2. Are there any specific Magento logs or database tables I should inspect further?
  3. Has anyone encountered a similar issue before, and what was the resolution?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.