I’m trying to show multiple discounts in a public php script that sends orders to our ERP system. The problem im having is when an order has more than one discount, it is only pulling one discount with a total discount amount for both. I need it instead to show 2 xml nodes with the correct discount amounts. Is there a way to do this with a direct query? This is what im doing so far:
foreach ($dissur as $dissur_tax_code => $dissur_amount) {
if ($dissur_amount != 0) {
$dissur_desc = $order->discount_description;
$dissur_desc = trim($dissur_desc);
//if coupon description over 80 characters grab it directly from the
//database sales_order table
$dissur_desc = ($ecom->validateDiscountDesription($dissur_desc,$orderID));
if (empty($dissur_desc) || $magento->use_generic_dissur_description) {
$dissur_desc = ($dissur_amount > 0) ? 'WebDiscount' : 'WebSurcharge';
if ($magento->append_tax_code_to_order_discount_description) {
$dissur_desc .= " - " . $dissur_tax_code;
$order_details->discounts[] = array(
'description' => "Website-" . $dissur_desc,
'tax_code' => $dissur_tax_code,
'price' => round(abs($dissur_amount),2),