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In Magento2 how to create multitabs with carousel in homepage?

In Magento2 I need to show in homepage something like this —>

enter image description here

I know that there’s a default slider-2 block in vendor/hyva-themes/magento2-default-theme/Magento_Theme/layout/cms_index_index.xml, but I wasn’t able to modify it in any way, if there’s a way to apply multitabs to that block it would be great as well!

So I need multitabs, and in each tab I need a carousel, how can I achieve that?

I’m working on a custom Hyva Theme, and I also need to show Top Brands block, in homepage obviously —->
enter image description here

I’ve got Mageplaza/Shopbybrand extension, I’ve tried to insert the block in Admin -> Content -> Pages -> <My-Theme>, like this {{block class="MageplazaShopbybrandBlockBrand" template="Mageplaza_Shopbybrand::brands.phtml"}}

But it didn’t appear on the homepage as expected.

Any suggestions guys? Thanks for supporting!