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trigger window resize event

What is the best method to trigger a window resize event in Magento 2?
I need to trigger this method inside a widget function.

 * Copyright © Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * See COPYING.txt for license details.

], function ($) {
    'use strict';

    $.widget('mage.sticky', {
        options: {
             * Element selector, who's height will be used to restrict the
             * maximum offsetTop position of the stuck element.
             * Default uses document body.
             * @type {String}
            container: '',

             * Spacing in pixels above the stuck element
             * @type {Number|Function} Number or Function that will return a Number
            spacingTop: 0,

             * Allows postponing sticking, until element will go out of the
             * screen for the number of pixels.
             * @type {Number|Function} Number or Function that will return a Number
            stickAfter: 0,

             * CSS class for active sticky state
             * @type {String}
            stickyClass: '_sticky'

         * Retrieve option value
         * @param  {String} option
         * @return {*}
         * @private
        _getOptionValue: function (option) {
            var value = this.options[option] || 0;

            if (typeof value === 'function') {
                value = this.options[option]();

            return value;

         * Bind handlers to scroll event
         * @private
        _create: function () {
                'scroll': $.proxy(this._stick, this),
                'resize': $.proxy(this.reset, this)

            this.element.on('dimensionsChanged', $.proxy(this.reset, this));


            // Application of the workaround for IE11 and Edge

         * float Block on windowScroll
         * @private
        _stick: function () {
            var offset,

            isStatic = this.element.css('position') === 'static';

            if (!isStatic &&':visible')) {
                offset = $(document).scrollTop() -
                    this.parentOffset +

                offset = Math.max(0, Math.min(offset, this.maxOffset));

                stuck = this.element.hasClass(this.options.stickyClass);
                stickAfter = this._getOptionValue('stickAfter');

                if (offset && !stuck && offset < stickAfter) {
                    offset = 0;

                    .toggleClass(this.options.stickyClass, offset > 0)
                    .css('top', offset);

         * Defines maximum offset value of the element.
         * @private
        _calculateDimens: function () {
            var $parent         = this.element.parent(),
                topMargin       = parseInt(this.element.css('margin-top'), 10),
                parentHeight    = $parent.height() - topMargin,
                height          = this.element.innerHeight(),
                maxScroll       = document.body.offsetHeight - window.innerHeight;

            if (this.options.container.length > 0) {
                maxScroll = $(this.options.container).height();

            this.parentOffset   = $parent.offset().top + topMargin;
            this.maxOffset      = maxScroll - this.parentOffset;

            if (this.maxOffset + height >= parentHeight) {
                this.maxOffset = parentHeight - height;

            return this;

         * Facade method that places sticky element where it should be.
        reset: function () {

         * Workaround for IE11 and Edge that solves the IE known rendering issue
         * that prevents sticky element from jumpy movement on scrolling the page.
         * Alternatively, undesired jumpy movement can be eliminated by changing the setting in IE:
         * Settings > Internet options > Advanced tab > inside 'Browsing' item > set 'Use smooth scrolling' to False
        normalizeIE11AndEdgeScroll: function () {
            if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident.*rv[ :]*11.|Edge//)) {
                document.body.addEventListener('mousewheel', function () {
                    window.scrollTo(0, window.pageYOffset - event.wheelDelta);

    return $.mage.sticky;