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Is there a pre-customized set of CRS(Core Rule Set) rules for Magento 2.4, or should I customize them myself?

I am currently using Magento 2.4.7 with the latest version of Oswap CRS (v4.11.0) in detection-only mode using Modsecurity2. Despite my efforts to exclude certain rules and whitelist specific URLs, I am still experiencing IP blockages by CRS for certain… Read More »Is there a pre-customized set of CRS(Core Rule Set) rules for Magento 2.4, or should I customize them myself?

finding this issue Call to a member function renderAmount() on false in

finding this issue Call to a member function renderAmount() on false in /var/www/html/fccstgdec/vendor/magento/module-catalog/Block/Product/View/Options/AbstractOptions.php:206 currently we are using Magento version 2.4.7 and Mageplaza One Step checkout version 4.3.3 and Stripe payment gatway version 4.3.1 Please review all conditions and suggest for… Read More »finding this issue Call to a member function renderAmount() on false in

Barracuda – IP block

Is anyone facing issues with Barracuda IP blacklisting? Our multiple IP addresses from our range are being blocked, sometimes even entir… | Read the rest of