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magento man

How is the anti-spam solutions market going?

Hi everyone, Are you having a good experience with your anti-spam solutions? Could you describe how the market for these solutions is … | Read the rest of

How to show address fields in register when you call the block

I have included the register.phtml file in another .phtml file using the following code: <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock(“MagentoCustomerBlockFormRegister”)->setTemplate(“Magento_Customer::form/register.phtml”)->toHtml(); ?> This code is used to display the registration form as a popup. Additionally, I have created an customer_account_create.xml file to enable the… Read More »How to show address fields in register when you call the block

CSF Firewall blocking mobile IP

I am using WHM with CSF firewall, and it seems that some users are continuously blocking mobile networks due to failed IMAP login attempts. … | Read the rest of

complaint website

Gentlemen, I have a serious problem with a provider located in England, is there a serious and relevant website where I can make a public co… | Read the rest of