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Falcon eccomerce acceleator

I want to gather information about the Falcon eCommerce accelerator. Can anyone know how it works, how we can see a demo or reference website, and what the differences are between default Magento and this solution?

Call to an undefined method MagentoQuoteModelQuoteAddressRate::setCost()

<?php namespace RavedigitalCustomModel; use MagentoShippingModelRateResult; /** * Class Checker * * @category Ravedigital * @package Ravedigital_Custom */ class Carrier extends MagentoFedexModelCarrier { /** * Parse calculated rates * * @param string $response * @return Result * @link * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)… Read More »Call to an undefined method MagentoQuoteModelQuoteAddressRate::setCost()

Hosting for a site for adults

Hello, I have a problem. The fact is that I am looking for hosting for a highly specialized topic – a site for adults. It is extremely diffi… | Read the rest of

Magento 2.4.3-p1 custom sort by option with custom entity id not working

I have created a custom sorting option distance in magento 2.4.3-p1 and sort the collection with custom sorted entity ids di.xml `<type name=”MagentoCatalogModelConfig”> <plugin name=”catalog_config_plugin” type=”SunarcNearByProductPluginConfig” /> </type>` <preference for=”MagentoCatalogBlockProductProductListToolbar” type=”SunarcNearByProductBlockCatalogProductProductListToolbar” /> <type name=”MagentoElasticsearchModelResourceModelFulltextCollectionSearchCriteriaResolver”> <plugin name=”ajourquin_unset_es_order” type=”SunarcNearByProductPluginElasticsearchModelResourceModelFulltextCollectionSearchCriteriaResolver” /> </type> appcodeSunarcNearByProductPluginconfig.php… Read More »Magento 2.4.3-p1 custom sort by option with custom entity id not working