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magento man

Jquery not triggering for the change(function())

jQuery(‘input[name^=”ko_unique_”]’).trigger(“change”); jQuery(‘input[name^=”ko_unique_”]’).change(function() { var v = jQuery(this).val(); console.log(v); if(v == ‘simpleshipping_simpleshipping’){ console.log(‘check’); jQuery(‘#deliv-hold’).show(); } else{ jQuery(‘#deliv-hold’).hide(); } }); The above-mentioned code is working fine on the console but when it is used in js. it does not execute after the… Read More »Jquery not triggering for the change(function())

Checkout parameters not passing to google analytics dashboard

We used below code in Magento PWA venia setup to pass the checkout values to Google analytics dashbaord. const proceedToCheckoutButton = !isCheckout ? ( <div > <Button disabled={isPriceUpdating} priority={‘high’} onClick={() => { handleProceedToCheckout(); GTMEventTrigger({ route: window.location.pathname, event(‘proceed_checkout’, { “total_items” :… Read More »Checkout parameters not passing to google analytics dashboard

How to populate Quote data in form fields?

$fieldset->addField( ‘first_name’, ‘text’, [ ‘name’ => ‘FirstName’, ‘label’ => __(‘First Name’), ‘id’ => ‘FirstName’, ‘title’ => __(‘First Name’), ‘required’ => true, ‘class’ => ‘input-text’, ‘data-validate’ => ‘{“required”:true, “validate-FirstName”:true}’, ‘value’ => $firstname // Set default value ] );

How is your experience on KnownHost?

Hello everyone I missed form this forum from long time after loosing the access to my very first account I felt like I was not the same :k… | Read the rest of

what environment variables can override application mode and where do they need to be set?

When I run deploy:mode:show, it shows an application mode followed by a message that says that its value may be overridden. For example: prod@mysite01:~/www$ ./bin/magento deploy:mode:show Current application mode: production. (Note: Environment variables may override this value.) Same thing if… Read More »what environment variables can override application mode and where do they need to be set?