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magento man

java header not working background

const scroller = document.querySelector(“#musicscrollid”); const output = document.querySelector(“#musicheaderid”); scroller.addEventListener(“scroll”, (event) => { output.textContent = scrollTop: ${scroller.scrollTop}; if (scroller.scroll >= 64) { output.addClass(“fondoazul”); } else { output.removeClass(“fondoazul”); } }); the output.text i see number but when i scroll 64px the addclass… Read More »java header not working background

Can anyone please help me to solve the magento 2.4.6 Add Custom Order Attribute To Order API

I have tried to insert additional order attribute through API /rest/V1/orders I have already created module to insert additional attribute ref taken from but still the additional data not inserting . here is my request payload { “entity”: {… Read More »Can anyone please help me to solve the magento 2.4.6 Add Custom Order Attribute To Order API

Plesk have two A records as host claims

Why does my Plesk have two A records, as the host support claim, after I did DNS IP update after been migrated to a new host shared hosting…. | Read the rest of