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magento man

Hawkhost – The place where I use for my site

Hello WHT members, First of all, I’m delighted to have a forum like WHT where enthusiasts seeking web hosting services can interact and dis… | Read the rest of

Place DIV or SPAN class inside stock available

How can I place a div or span class inside stock available with custom xml. Would like custom block next to INSTOCK. <body> <referenceBlock name=””> <block class=”StockQtyBlockLeftQty” name=”catalog.product.view.stock” before=”” template=”Dolphin_MyModule::leftqty.phtml” cacheable=”false”/> </referenceBlock> </body>

Incorrect CAPTCHA

I am getting incorrect captcha error, I am using by default captcha of magento version 2.4.6-p3. As I removed all the custom modules(even which is not related to captcha) and design theme changes. Not getting entries in captcha_log table. As… Read More »Incorrect CAPTCHA