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magento man

Magento 2 Compile Void on in line 20

I have updated one of my plugin versions (payment plugin) to the most recent version and after running bin/magento setup:upgrade i run the comand : bin/magento setup:di:compile which gives me the following output (see image)

Magento2 integration tests magentoConfigFixture getting empty value for obscure field

i am writing integration tests for my custom module that has a configuration field type obscure. in test file app/code/Foo/Bar/Test/Integration/Model/ConfigTest.php i have code: <?php namespace FooBarTestIntegrationModel; use FooBarModelConfig; use MagentoFrameworkObjectManagerInterface; use MagentoTestFrameworkHelperBootstrap; use PHPUnitFrameworkTestCase; class ConfigTest extends TestCase { private… Read More »Magento2 integration tests magentoConfigFixture getting empty value for obscure field