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Fetching items’ stock status in one request

I am searching for a solution to fetch stock statuses for a list of products in a single request. Right now I am using API /rest/V1/stockStatuses/{sku}, but that would need a list of requests. Is there a better solution?

How to override adminhtml js file in custom module?

I need to override below file in my custom module Ayakil_CatalogPermissionsExtended vendor/magento/module-catalog-permissions/view/adminhtml/web/category_edit.js The custom module was created and placed the category_edit.js(/app/code/Ayakil/CatalogPermissionsExtended/view/adminhtml/web/js/category_edit.js) Content of requirejs-config.js is below var config = { config: { mixins: { ‘Magento_CatalogPermissions/js/category_edit’: { ‘Ayakil_CatalogPermissionsExtended/js/category_edit’: true } }… Read More »How to override adminhtml js file in custom module?