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Remove HTML tags from description and short-description while Exporting Products in Magento

I need to remove HTML tags from product description and short-description while exporting the products using the Magento default Import-Export module. current CSV description column <ul> <li>Foam-padded adjustable shoulder straps.</li> <li>900D polyester.</li> <li>Oversized zippers.</li> <li>Locker loop.</li> </ul> description column I… Read More »Remove HTML tags from description and short-description while Exporting Products in Magento

Sub domain hosting

I am looking for a hosting service that will host a subdomain. ie someone else controls domain They will delegate to us a sub… | Read the rest of

API searchCriteria not working with “FROM and TO” for “created_at” field, fetching the wrong results

Im trying to get data for orders that created between 2 dates(2023-10-05 – 2023-10-01). Im using the search condition type FROM and TO but its not fetching the right details. This is what im trying: rest/default/V1/orders? searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][field]=created_at& searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][value]=2023-10-01& searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][0][conditionType]=from& searchCriteria[filterGroups][0][filters][1][field]=created_at&… Read More »API searchCriteria not working with “FROM and TO” for “created_at” field, fetching the wrong results

Magento 2 Plugin not working for class MagentoQuoteModelCartDataCartItemFactory

Does anyone know how to create a plugin for the class MagentoQuoteModelCartDataCartItemFactory method public function create(array $data): CartItem? I have tried creating before, after, and around plugins but didn’t work. below is the reference code: di.xml: <type name=”MagentoQuoteModelCartDataCartItemFactory”> <plugin name=”custom_store_qty”… Read More »Magento 2 Plugin not working for class MagentoQuoteModelCartDataCartItemFactory