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I can select specific columns to update using the `updateFromSelect` function for mass updates?

I try to massivle update a specific column from 1 table to another using the updateFromSelect function: $table = ‘mytable’; /** * @var $resource MagentoFrameworkDBAdapterPdoMysqlInterceptor */ $select = $resource->select() ->join($table,$table.’’) ->where($table.”.valid”,true) ->where($table.”.customer_group_id<>customer_entity.group_id”) ->columns([$table.’.customer_group_id as group_id’]); $sql=$resource->updateFromSelect($select,’customer_entity’); But the $sql value… Read More »I can select specific columns to update using the `updateFromSelect` function for mass updates?

Cms no route page not working. Magento 2

A page with an invalid url should redirect to a page not found, but it throws an error TypeError: MagentoFrameworkAppFrontController::processRequest(): Argument #2 ($actionInstance) must be of type MagentoFrameworkAppActionInterface, MagentoFrameworkControllerResultRedirectInterceptor given, called in vendormagentoframeworkAppFrontController.php on line 147 and defined in vendormagentoframeworkAppFrontController.php:177… Read More »Cms no route page not working. Magento 2

Domain and DNS Services Recommendations

Can anyone offer any recommendations regarding obtaining services for domain name registration services? As well as some recommendations for… | Read the rest of

Where To Host Your WHMCS?

Just wondering where people host their WHMCS installs? Has anyone tried Siteground? Thinking cloud maybe more reliable. What other cloud… | Read the rest of

Recommendations for Rochen replacement

I’ve been with Rochen for the past several years and have been largely pleased with their services and performance. However, this outage is … | Read the rest of