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Argument 5 passed to VendorModuleModelResourceModelPriceResultCollectionInterceptor::__construct()

I have created a custom module and it’s working fine,if I only run php bin/magento setup:upgrade command. However, when I attempt to run php bin/magento s:d:c it raises an exception. Type Error occurred when creating object: VendorModuleNameModelResourceModelPriceResultCollectionInterceptor, Argument 5 passed… Read More »Argument 5 passed to VendorModuleModelResourceModelPriceResultCollectionInterceptor::__construct()

How can I catch more detailed information about a reindexing error or when reindexing is stuck?

The size of the catalog is about 70k products. When reindexing sometimes it turns out Could not acquire lock for index:catalog_category_product and Could not acquire lock for index:catalog_product_category or only stuck in INSERT INTO catalog_category_product_index_store2_tmp (‘category_id’, ‘product_id’, ‘position’, ‘i.. (I… Read More »How can I catch more detailed information about a reindexing error or when reindexing is stuck?