Magento 2: How to login with Google Rest API
I’m creating the custom rest API for social media logins like Google and Facebook. So I want what parameters need to send in the request and what will return in the response. Can anyone help me?
I’m creating the custom rest API for social media logins like Google and Facebook. So I want what parameters need to send in the request and what will return in the response. Can anyone help me?
Looking for a new host with October CMS, is part of Softacilious but not all hosts have it. Can anyone recomend a host with October CMS? … | Read the rest of
Passed a lot of solutions but didn’t get the success The task if the replace the default local virtual host pwa02.wsl wher M2 installed M2 vesion: 2.4.5 (working well) Venia varsion: 13.2.0 Istalled via yarn MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL= DEV_SERVER_HOST=pwa02.wsl DEV_SERVER_PORT=10000 yarn buildpack… Read More »PWA env MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL change to local virtual host problem
My goal is to be able to establish a connection to our Magento REST API, so that I can retrieve orders data from the REST API. I need help for all stages of making this connection – I have… Read More »Magento Get orders with REST API
I am new to Magento and following a course, yet some things hold me back. I really want to learn it but my only duties are as a frontend developer. If you could guide me through this problem it would… Read More »Before Plugin asks for the class argument
I’m attempting to override the canonical URL for a custom handler. I tried adding the following code via XML, but instead of overriding the default canonical URL, I now have both the default and the one I set. Does anyone… Read More »Override the canonical URL in custom layout handler
My observer is not getting product information, this line is always printed $this->logger->info(‘Product object is always null.’); <?php namespace CustomModuleObserver; use MagentoFrameworkEventObserverInterface; use MagentoFrameworkEventObserver; use MagentoCatalogApiProductRepositoryInterface; use PsrLogLoggerInterface; class StockUpdate implements ObserverInterface { /** * @var ProductRepositoryInterface */ protected $productRepository;… Read More »Magento 2 – Get Stock Update Observer
I am nothing to understand why show this error in magento system.log file CRITICAL: Read timed out after 10 seconds [] []
Hi, new user here and hoping someone might be able to help. I’ve been hosting with for years, maybe a decade, and support was… | Read the rest of
I want to create the layered navigation filters for my mobileapp the same way it is working on web how can i do this kindly guide Thanks in advanced