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magento man

I want to place magento order using custom script using order Management interface but it’s give error of invalid email format

I want to place magento order using custom script using order Management interface but it’s give error of invalid email format. `<?php use MagentoFrameworkAppBootstrap; use MagentoSalesApiDataOrderInterface; use MagentoSalesApiDataOrderItemInterface; use MagentoSalesApiOrderManagementInterface; use MagentoSalesApiDataOrderAddressInterface; use MagentoSalesApiDataOrderPaymentInterface; use MagentoSalesModelOrderFactory; use MagentoSalesModelOrderPaymentFactory; use MagentoFrameworkApiDataObjectHelper;… Read More »I want to place magento order using custom script using order Management interface but it’s give error of invalid email format

How to stop attackers to execute script and run 100 requests to create account?

On client magento website has enabled google captcha version 2 on create account page. exception.log file has following errors (Magento\Framework\Stdlib\Cookie\CookieSizeLimitReachedException(code: 0): Unable to send the cookie. Size of ‘mage-messages’ is 4131 bytes with error message “Invalid google captcha” Above error… Read More »How to stop attackers to execute script and run 100 requests to create account?