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Looking for Email Hosting Reseller

Hello, Everyone, I am looking for a Business Email Hosting Reseller. can you please suggest me some Reseller company that offer email Resel… | Read the rest of

What is the correct configuration using opensearch and magento

I have a basic setup of Magento & Open search. I have been following the guide here In the guide it is recommended to install open search so I did so following this guide: Under the quick installation… Read More »What is the correct configuration using opensearch and magento

TypeError: get_parent_class(): Argument #1 must be an object or a valid class name, string given in magento/framework/Code/Reader/ClassReader.php

I get this error when I tap “schedule new update” button in a cart price rule page you can see in the image below, I echo $className variable, which causes the error, it displays “MexbsApBaseBlockAdminhtmlPromoQuoteActionDetailsStaging”, but there is no Staging… Read More »TypeError: get_parent_class(): Argument #1 must be an object or a valid class name, string given in magento/framework/Code/Reader/ClassReader.php