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Magento2.4 app/code/Magento/Quote/Model/QuoteValidator.php

app/code/Magento/Quote/Model/QuoteValidator.php What to make of this code foreach ($this->quoteValidationRule->validate($quote) as $validationResult) { if ($validationResult->isValid()) { continue; } $messages = $validationResult->getErrors(); $defaultMessage = array_shift($messages); if ($defaultMessage && !empty($messages)) { $defaultMessage .= ‘ %1’; } $logger->info(‘v1’,$messages); if ($defaultMessage) { throw new LocalizedException(__($defaultMessage,… Read More »Magento2.4 app/code/Magento/Quote/Model/QuoteValidator.php

i’m looking for a cheap shared hosting

i have a low traffic website and i’m looking for a cheap shared hosting like $1/mo and it should be reliable… | Read the rest of

FTP transfer speeds on any cpanel/whm server

I have tried a few different providers for whm/cpanel. Im trying to figure out an FTP issue that I have had with all of them. So obviously … | Read the rest of

Magento 2.2.3 while running flush command i am getting the below error?

i have tried to run magento upgrade and deploy and flush command i am getting the below error. Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to ZendServiceManagerServiceManager::has() must be of the type string, array given, called in /home/public_html/vendor/zendframework/zend-servicemanager/src/ServiceManager.php on… Read More »Magento 2.2.3 while running flush command i am getting the below error?