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Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server

I’m trying to reinstall magento 2.4 on my laptop. when I did run : php bin/magento setup:install –base-url=http://localhost/magento2ee –db-host=localhost –db-name=magento2ee –db-user=root –db-password= –admin-firstname=admin –admin-lastname=admin –[email protected] –admin-user=admin –admin-password=admin123 –language=en_US –currency=USD –timezone=America/Chicago –use-rewrites=1 –search-engine=elasticsearch7 –opensearch-timeout=1 I recieved a success message : [SUCCESS]:… Read More »Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server

Magento2.4.6 sftp cannot access /var/www/html, how to modify the permissions of html files

I installed magento2.4.6 on Ubuntu22.04. I don’t know much about folder permissions, and now I can’t login to /var/www/html files using sftp. How can I solve this problem? 【FileZilla】 Status: Listing directory /var/www Status: Directory listing of “/var/www” successful Status:… Read More »Magento2.4.6 sftp cannot access /var/www/html, how to modify the permissions of html files

Due to Content-Security-Policy it is not displaying CSS and JS on both storefront and admin after my magento 2.4.5 installation using docker

Due to Content-Security-Policy it is not displaying CSS and JS on both storefront and admin after my magento 2.4.5 installation using docker. i try deleting var and inside pub/static except .htaccess i deleted all file after i tried static content… Read More »Due to Content-Security-Policy it is not displaying CSS and JS on both storefront and admin after my magento 2.4.5 installation using docker

Magento Venia PWA wrong PDP pages

MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL=https://pwa02.wsl/ (M2 here working well, all pages exists) DEV_SERVER_PORT=10000 Ubuntu 20.04 over WSL2 Apache 2 PHP 7.4 MySQL 8.0 Magento 2.4.3 Venia sample data installed Installation: git clone sudo yarn install MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL=https://pwa02.wsl/ yarn buildpack create-env-file packages/venia-concept sudo yarn… Read More »Magento Venia PWA wrong PDP pages

Magento 2 -custom field Product Price in admin

how can create new field sku,price,sale price and a button update price dynamically, admin have option set and update price dynamically. i have tried below code etc/adminhtml/system.xml.? help me how can make it dynamically <?xml version=”1.0″?> <config xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”urn:magento:module:Magento_Config:etc/system_file.xsd”> <system>… Read More »Magento 2 -custom field Product Price in admin