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Does area emulation also influence DI / plugins?

We are reading the Magento configurable configuration inside an API call: private function getSpConfig($product) { if ($product->getTypeId() != ‘configurable’) { return null; } /** * @var ConfigurableBlock */ $configurableBlock = $this->_layoutInterface->createBlock(ConfigurableBlock::class); $configurableBlock->setData(‘product’, $product); $spConfig = json_decode($configurableBlock->getJsonConfig(), true); usort($spConfig[‘attributes’], function ($a,… Read More »Does area emulation also influence DI / plugins?

Magento2 join product details in sales order grid as filterable column

We have added some additional sortable / filterable columns to sales order grid using some basic joins. This would be the relevant code regarding data app/code/Vendor/Module/etc/di.xml <?xml version=”1.0″?> <config xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd”> <type name=”MagentoFrameworkViewElementUiComponentDataProviderCollectionFactory”> <arguments> <argument name=”collections” xsi:type=”array”> <item name=”sales_order_grid_data_source” xsi:type=”string”>VendorModuleModelResourceModelOrderGridCollection</item>… Read More »Magento2 join product details in sales order grid as filterable column

Category products do not load – ‘We can’t find products matching the selection.’ Error keeps coming up at least once a day. Elastic search is running

Magento ver. 2.4.2-p1 Amasty extensions We used to have Elastic Search crash every once in a while but this is no longer happening since we upgraded to the most powerful server. We had instances where couple of times a month,… Read More »Category products do not load – ‘We can’t find products matching the selection.’ Error keeps coming up at least once a day. Elastic search is running