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Need to merge extra field in getJsonResponse result using custom plugin

public function aroundExecute(VendorApiControllerProductPage $subject, Closure $proceed) { $productId = $this->request->getParam(“productId”); $this->product = $this->productFactory->create()->load($productId); $title = $this->product->getData(‘title’); $extraInfo[‘title’] = $title; $this->returnArray[“extra”] = $extraInfo; return $this->returnArray; }

Magento 2 admin order creation error is “Pickup Location Address does not match Shipping Address for In-Store Pickup Quote”

When I try to create an “in-store pickup order” for a customer from magento 2.4.5 admin I am getting this error “Pickup Location Address does not match Shipping Address for In-Store Pickup Quote“. Can any one help me to fix… Read More »Magento 2 admin order creation error is “Pickup Location Address does not match Shipping Address for In-Store Pickup Quote”

How can i pass product attribute manufacturer and SKU to javascript?

I have the following script which i need to add the product brand/manufacturer and SKU <script> window.addEventListener(‘liveload’, function() { IcecatLive.getDatasheet( { ‘reasonstobuy’:’#Container5′, }, { Brand: **$manufacturer**, PartCode: **$sku**, UserName: ‘myusername’ }, ‘en’) }); </script> I have added custom.phtml in web/magento/app/design/frontend/MyTemplate/default/Magento_Catalog/templates/product/view… Read More »How can i pass product attribute manufacturer and SKU to javascript?