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preference :override class Pdfcreditmemos and class PrintAction not working

I override the classes ‘Pdfcreditmemos.php’ and ‘PrintAction.php’ to change the name of pdf Credit memos , but this is not working, it still works with origin classes, thanks for you help. MagentoSalesControllerAdminhtmlCreditmemoAbstractCreditmemoPdfcreditmemos MagentoSalesControllerAdminhtmlCreditmemoAbstractCreditmemoPrintAction *************di.xml <preference for=”MagentoSalesControllerAdminhtmlCreditmemoAbstractCreditmemoPdfcreditmemos” type=”LcdrInvoicePdfControllerAdminhtmlCreditmemoAbstractCreditmemoPdfcreditmemos”/> <preference for=”MagentoSalesControllerAdminhtmlCreditmemoAbstractCreditmemoPrintAction” type=”LcdrInvoicePdfControllerAdminhtmlCreditmemoAbstractCreditmemoPrintAction”/>… Read More »preference :override class Pdfcreditmemos and class PrintAction not working

What type of hosting should i get?

Hi there 🙂 I’m currently looking for a cheap hosting provider that would let me run various simple html sites with various domains (10-… | Read the rest of

How to make magento faster from pub/index.php to custom api method?

I found a problem through debugging. When I debug it very slowly From pub/index.php to my custom api method.I want to fix and make faster,but I dont’t know how to start. vendor/magento/framework/App/Http.php (116 rows dispatch) -> vendor/magento/module-webapi/Controller/Rest.php ->vendor/magento/module-webapi/Controller/Rest/SynchronousRequestProcessor.php

Magento media cache url

When images are uploaded, they are resized and put into diffent cache folders. “pub/media/catalog/product/cache/1cd59219f95f9c415e6b76e445689a097/J/K/JK791735.jpg” ect.. Where in Magento is that current cache folder/hash stored? (“1cd59219f95f9c415e6b76e445689a097”) Is it calculated somehow? Stored i DB? Stored in a ini file somewhere?