Magento2 which event is fired when mass update product inventory
catalog_product_attribute_update_before This event works for mass attribute update but not for mass inventory update. Please let me know if there is any event for this.
catalog_product_attribute_update_before This event works for mass attribute update but not for mass inventory update. Please let me know if there is any event for this.
In my magento 2.4.6, The product sorting for categories is not working. Like price high to low and low to high and sort filter is not working . Rest all other filters are working. When selecting sorting – low to… Read More »In my magento 2.4.6, The product sorting for categories is not working. Like price high to low and low to high and sort filter is not working
After enabling the merge_files and js_bundling options in Magento, the Stripe Express Checkout button no longer appears. Additionally, the debugger is not being triggered, and the StripeIntegration_Payments/js script is not loading in my browser. However, when I disable the merge_files… Read More »Stripe payment button not loaded when enable the bundling, merge_files for js
I have an existing controller that returns a JSON. public function execute() { $customer = $this->_customerModel->getById(175); $resultJson = $this->resultFactory->create(MagentoFrameworkControllerResultFactory::TYPE_JSON); $resultJson->setData( [ ‘status’ => ‘ok’, ‘message’ => ‘Success.’, ‘data’ => $customer->__toArray() ] ); return $resultJson; } I have created afterExecute() plugin,… Read More »Magento 2 Plugin After Execute Controller
I’m experiencing an issue with my Magento site 2.4.6 after modifying the .htaccess file for security headers. After making these changes, the “Add to Cart” function and customer login are not working properly. Specifically: • When items are added to… Read More »Add to Cart function and customer login problem
I’m currently facing an issue with Magento Multi-Source Inventory (MSI). For products under the Default Stock, the salable quantity reaches 0, but the product still displays as “In Stock” on the storefront. This issue is affecting inventory management and customer… Read More »Product Shows as In Stock Despite Salable Quantity Being 0 in Default Stock – Magento MSI Issue
I live in Turkey and it is forbidden to install websites that show adult content in my country. Of course, I do not plan to break the law an… | Read the rest of
I have some problem with payment method in the checkout. If I add a payment method in the backend, the front end not showing what I add. Its always shwoing “Credit/Debit Card Secure Payment” It doesn’t matter if I’ve chosen… Read More »Payment method not showing in checkout Magento 2.4.6
I’ve tried everything from upgrading all modules, give right permissions, removing generated folder, dumping composer, nothing works and I can’t setup:upgrade or setup:di:compile. Please help, thanks in advance php bin/magento setup:upgrade Cache types config flushed successfully Cache cleared successfully File… Read More »Fail to setup:upgrade and setup:di:compile after upgrading to 2.4.7 and 2.4.7-p3
I need to add to the standard product grid in the admin panel the ability to edit the SKU and product name without going to the product editing page. I.e., when clicking on the SKU and product name, the input… Read More »How do I set up the ability to edit the product name and its sku from the product grid in the admin panel?