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In my magento 2.4.6, The product sorting for categories is not working. Like price high to low and low to high and sort filter is not working

In my magento 2.4.6, The product sorting for categories is not working. Like price high to low and low to high and sort filter is not working . Rest all other filters are working. When selecting sorting – low to… Read More »In my magento 2.4.6, The product sorting for categories is not working. Like price high to low and low to high and sort filter is not working

Magento 2 Plugin After Execute Controller

I have an existing controller that returns a JSON. public function execute() { $customer = $this->_customerModel->getById(175); $resultJson = $this->resultFactory->create(MagentoFrameworkControllerResultFactory::TYPE_JSON); $resultJson->setData( [ ‘status’ => ‘ok’, ‘message’ => ‘Success.’, ‘data’ => $customer->__toArray() ] ); return $resultJson; } I have created afterExecute() plugin,… Read More »Magento 2 Plugin After Execute Controller

Fail to setup:upgrade and setup:di:compile after upgrading to 2.4.7 and 2.4.7-p3

I’ve tried everything from upgrading all modules, give right permissions, removing generated folder, dumping composer, nothing works and I can’t setup:upgrade or setup:di:compile. Please help, thanks in advance php bin/magento setup:upgrade Cache types config flushed successfully Cache cleared successfully File… Read More »Fail to setup:upgrade and setup:di:compile after upgrading to 2.4.7 and 2.4.7-p3