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All 404 pages produce the error “Exception #0 (LogicException): Front controller reached 100 router match iterations”

We have the issue where every url that should return the 404 page, caused the following error 1 exception(s): Exception #0 (LogicException): Front controller reached 100 router match iterations Exception #0 (LogicException): Front controller reached 100 router match iterations <pre>#1… Read More »All 404 pages produce the error “Exception #0 (LogicException): Front controller reached 100 router match iterations”

How to override command cache:flush?

I want override command cache:flush. while execute this php bin/magento cache:flush i want to execute my custom module code. can i do? please guide me on this. Note: i’m try to use in magento 2.4.5-p1

Using web hosting service as cloud storage

A few shared hosting providers offer 100GB or more storage for not much more than some cloud storage providers. Can someone tell me – from … | Read the rest of