HostNesta issues
I have been scammed by this site my mistake not reading the reviews about this site because I saw them advertise in several forums, when I… | Read the rest of
I have been scammed by this site my mistake not reading the reviews about this site because I saw them advertise in several forums, when I… | Read the rest of
Ready-to-go phishing kits make it quick and easy for novice criminals to deploy new phishing sites and receive stolen credentials. Phishing kits are typically ZIP files containing web pages, PHP scripts and images that convincingly impersonate genuine websites. Coupled with… Read More »Hidden Email Addresses in Phishing Kits
I implemented a custom plugin that loops through all products and generates a CSV file. Even if the execute() function has the same code in both files (cron job and controller), the CSV file generated is slightly different. The controller… Read More »Cron job generates a different output compared with a controller in Magento 2.4.1
I use the core API /V1/products/:sku to get the product using the SKU. for example, I have 2 stores, one in English and another in Japanese. My API Endpoint is like for the English store and for the… Read More »Get product using SKU with respect to the store data
Is there a way to update the Order ID prefix based on the user’s customer group? E.G. wholesale customer starts with 2 while retail starts with 1.
I have this method which is meant to save the product during an import script. protected function saveProduct($product, $urlKeySuffix = 0, $baseUrlKey = false) { $savedProd = null; try { if($urlKeySuffix) $product->setUrlKey($baseUrlKey . ‘_’ . $urlKeySuffix); $savedProd = $this->productRepository->save($product); }… Read More »IMPORT PRODUCT : url key for specified store already exists
in my authorization request builder as apart of my payment method facade, I need to fetch the quote or order id to pass it to the client…. class AuthorizationRequestBuilder implements BuilderInterface { public function build($buildSubject) { // get order here… Read More »Magento2 how to get quote order id
I am using Magento 2.4.5 and php 8.1 when I try to sudo php bin/magento setup:di:compile I get this error: Compilation was started. Repositories code generation… 1/9 [===>————————] 11% 1 sec 119.0 MiBUnclosed ‘{‘ on line 23#0 /var/www/magento2/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(428): ComposerAutoloadincludeFile() #1… Read More »compiling error magento 2
Xdebug for magento generally works, but there are problems with magerun, instead of debugging the cron class, debug n98-magerun2.phar occurs. I tried to configure path mapping, but it still debugs n98-mage run 2.phar. How can this be fixed?
There are showing some errors in migration How we can resolve it. anyone can resolve this issue ?? E:xampp81htdocsmagento2>php bin/magento migrate:settings vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/opensource-to-opensource/ PHP Fatal error: During inheritance of Iterator: Uncaught Exception: Deprecated Functionality: Return type of MigrationResourceModelAbstractCollection::current() should either be… Read More »I’m facing the migration issue magento to magento 2.4.4