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We run several offers during festive seasons. Is there a way to create interactive labels for products to advertise our marketing campaigns?

So right now I am using the magento2 platform and I want my site to look more presentable to the customer after my research I am inclined to move towards creating labels for products. However, I am not well versed… Read More »We run several offers during festive seasons. Is there a way to create interactive labels for products to advertise our marketing campaigns?

Magento2 how to remove catalog product listing url with special characters?

How to remove catalog product list url with unwanted string and special character for XSS Vulnerability fix, i need to completely remove the special characters if any. Example : ‘magento url’?attibute_code=%27%22%3E%3Cimg%20%20src=x%20onerror=alert(%27XSSBYTheSanjok%27);%3E Like “magento url”?color=%27%22%3E%3Cimg%20%20src=x%20onerror=alert(%27XSSBYTheSanjok%27);%3E Anyone got any ideas? Thanks.

Question for longtime MDDHosting customers…

I’m looking to run away from StableHost after a broken PHP installation they didn’t want to fix and 4 days of downtime, but that’s a subject… | Read the rest of