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Magento 2.3: Error on admin product save after changing attribute set

I am getting this error after I change the attribute set and save the product: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getBackendTable() on boolean in /chroot/home/aa8492ec/ Stack trace: #0 /chroot/home/aa8492ec/ MagentoCatalogModelResourceModelProduct->deleteSelectedEntityAttributeRows(Object(MagentoCatalogModelProductInterceptor), Array) #1 /chroot/home/aa8492ec/ MagentoCatalogModelResourceModelProduct->removeNotInSetAttributeValues(Object(MagentoCatalogModelProductInterceptor)) #2 /chroot/home/aa8492ec/… Read More »Magento 2.3: Error on admin product save after changing attribute set

Customer name not displayed in confirmation mail in Magento 2.4?

After updating to Magento 2.4.4 the customer name is not displayed in my confirmation mail. I tried all variations I could find: {{var customer.firstname}} {{trans “%customer_name ” customer_name=$order.getShippingAddress().getFirstName()}} {{trans “%customer_name ” customer_name=$order.getBillingAddress().getFirstName()}} {{trans “Hello %customer_name,” customer_name=$}} Nothing works. Was there… Read More »Customer name not displayed in confirmation mail in Magento 2.4?

I have one html file I need to upload to the net

There seams to be plenty full freebee upload sites for image and audio and even video like the likes of youtube. But when I want to upload a… | Read the rest of

Deprecated Functionality: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string)

I have an issue ; Deprecated Functionality: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string). Can you please help? public function getEnabled() { return $this->_dataHelper->getEnabled(); } public function getRenderableAttributes() { if (!$this->getEnabled()) { return []; } $attributeCode = $this->_dataHelper->getAttributeCode(); $product =… Read More »Deprecated Functionality: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($string)

Magento 2 Attribute Property – How ‘user_defined’ and ‘system’ attribute propety are different?

‘system’ attribute property tells if attribute is system defined or not. ‘user_defined’ attribute property tells if attribute is custom (define by developer) or not. It means, if ‘system’=0, the attribute is ‘user_defined’ and vice versa. So why Magento 2 uses… Read More »Magento 2 Attribute Property – How ‘user_defined’ and ‘system’ attribute propety are different?

Should I change the Vendor file in magento ver 2.3.5 p2 for customization in sales order view page

I’ve to show the product thumbnail image in Admin order overview page in Magento 2.3.2P2 I am looking to customize default.phtml file of vendor module. /vendor/magento/module-sales/view/adminhtml/templates/order/view/items/renderer/default.phptml my required code is as below – <?php /** * Copyright © Magento, Inc.… Read More »Should I change the Vendor file in magento ver 2.3.5 p2 for customization in sales order view page