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magento man

My webshop is broken

My webshop is broken. A designer have changed some text but nothing else in backend. Maybe someone can help me how I can solve it. Kindly regards

Custom Attribute on order confirmation email in Magento 2.4.5

I’m trying to publish the custom attribute “flash_sale” (dropdown) on order confirmations. I’ve changed the file: vendor/magento/module-sales/view/frontend/templates/email/items/order/default.phtml and inserted the additional line: <p style=”color: #aaaaaa;”><?= /* @escapeNotVerified */ __(‘Flash Sale’) ?>: <?= $block>escapeHtml($block->getflash_sale()) ?></p> with the result: <td class=”item-info<?php if… Read More »Custom Attribute on order confirmation email in Magento 2.4.5