memory limit not upgrade
memory_limit=4G php_value memory_limit 4G I tried every way but no result
memory_limit=4G php_value memory_limit 4G I tried every way but no result
My webshop is broken. A designer have changed some text but nothing else in backend. Maybe someone can help me how I can solve it. Kindly regards
I need to add a popup on link click in the checkout page. I need to add a link after last name and on click of the link i want to show a popup. Any suggested way to achieve this?
After what seems like hours of research, it seems that it’s impossible to save a null value to a database column of type int even when it’s nullable and defaults to null when the object value is an empty string.… Read More »Magento 1.9 / OpenMage Impossible To Save NULL value to smallint / int database column
I was trying to schedule the certification exam for Adobe Magento Commerce Developer Professional but I am not able to find this exam in the list in Adobe Credential Manager. If anyone have some idea about this, please guide me… Read More »Not able to find the Adobe Magento Commerce Developer Professional(AD0-E702)
I have created the function to import the data through CSV file format, but now I wanted to import the data through simple_ANSI.xlsx file. My Controller: public function execute() { /** @get csv file */ $filename = $_FILES[“prod_massupload”][“tmp_name”]; $items =… Read More »Magento 2: How to import and export simple_ANSI.xlsx file
Magento 2.4 I have a need to display a custom product attribute called ‘promotion_on’ in [Backend > Catalog > Categories > {Category from tree } -> Products in Category ] Products grid as an additional column. I tried doing it… Read More »Overriding MagentoCatalogBlockAdminhtmlCategoryTabProduct
Situation The method “test” does exist two times. If I call it while both scripts are required, then only the last one is getting called e.g. the one from test2.js app/code/Company/Test/view/frontend/web/js/test1.js function test() { alert(“test 1”); } function foo() {… Read More »Magento 2 – Two scripts have method with same name, how to call one specific of them
I’m trying to publish the custom attribute “flash_sale” (dropdown) on order confirmations. I’ve changed the file: vendor/magento/module-sales/view/frontend/templates/email/items/order/default.phtml and inserted the additional line: <p style=”color: #aaaaaa;”><?= /* @escapeNotVerified */ __(‘Flash Sale’) ?>: <?= $block>escapeHtml($block->getflash_sale()) ?></p> with the result: <td class=”item-info<?php if… Read More »Custom Attribute on order confirmation email in Magento 2.4.5
Is there a way to check if a module needs an update using commands or code ? Maybe i can compare the current version to the latest version, but how do i check what the latest version for a module… Read More »How to check if a module needs an update using comands/code?