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Hostmantis became a scam: review as a new client

I got a good review about hostmantis in a blog and decided to order a reseller plan. I ordered Enterprise cPanel Reseller Entry Plan. The se… | Read the rest of

How to create Shipping Cost Calculator by select country in magento 2?

i created a shipping method, for example, the cost of delivery is $15, but if you deliver to the USA, then multiply the amount by 2 Model/Carrier/Custom.php <?php namespace CustomShippingMethodModelCarrier; use MagentoQuoteModelQuoteAddressRateRequest; use MagentoShippingModelRateResult; use MagentoShippingModelCarrierAbstractCarrier; use MagentoShippingModelCarrierCarrierInterface; use MagentoFrameworkAppConfigScopeConfigInterface;… Read More »How to create Shipping Cost Calculator by select country in magento 2?