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Cloudflare vs location based hosting

Hi, Is enabling cloudflare better than setting a server in a specific location closest to a target audience? If so, I assume this makes l… | Read the rest of

Numeric value out of range: 167 Out of range value for column ‘value_id’ at row 1, query was: INSERT INTO `catalog_product_entity_decimal`

While I am trying to save a product, I am getting this error: SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range: 167 Out of range value for column ‘value_id’ at row 1, query was: INSERT INTO catalog_product_entity_decimal (attribute_id,store_id,row_id,value) VALUES (?, ?, ?,… Read More »Numeric value out of range: 167 Out of range value for column ‘value_id’ at row 1, query was: INSERT INTO `catalog_product_entity_decimal`

Semi dedicated webhosting worth ?

Some offers semi dedicated webhosting plans like Hostxnow. Anyone here has experience with semi dedicated webhosting? Is it fast like a … | Read the rest of