Method setFrom is deprecated in Magento 2.4
Method setFrom is deprecated. Is Magento 2.4 any alternative?
Method setFrom is deprecated. Is Magento 2.4 any alternative?
Impossible to process constructor argument Parameter #3 [ Magento 2 TemplateTypesInterface deprecated interface: The deprecated interface will be removed in upcoming versions. Consider using an interface or class marked as api instead. <?php namespace VendorModuleModel; use MagentoFrameworkAppTemplateTypesInterface; use MagentoFrameworkSetupPatchDataPatchInterface; use… Read More »Magento 2.4 TemplateTypesInterface deprecated interface: The deprecated interface will be removed in upcoming versions
exception(s): Exception #0 (Zend_Db_Statement_Exception): SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column ‘price’ in where clause is ambiguous, query was: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT e.entity_id) FROM catalog_product_flat_1 AS e INNER JOIN catalog_category_product_index_store1 AS cat_index ON cat_index.product_id=e.entity_id AND cat_index.store_id=1 AND cat_index.visibility IN(2, 4) AND cat_index.category_id=2
In Magento 2.4.5 I’m trying to create customer with REST API. In the payload I specify the group ID, but the new customer always get the default group ID. Example payload: $customerData = [ ‘customer’ => [ “email” => $_POST[’email’],… Read More »Unable to set customer group when create customer with REST API
The following problem has arisen on one of my customer’s servers. Currently, his server is using 512 GB Nvme X 2. But since the available sp… | Read the rest of
href=”customer/account” My Account when on the page this link goes to then I click on another footer link I get for example ://
I am noticing in Magento MSI on 2.4.3 that if default source is at quantity 0 item is_in_stock status goes to out of stock irrelevant of whether the other product sources have saleable quantity thats purchasable on front end still.… Read More »Magento MSI Stock Status
I have a site with magento 2.4 in AWS with kubernetes and I try to execute the jobs with bin/magento cron:install. This generate in crontab a new line: The problem is when I check with command top the processes I… Read More »Multiple cron:run 2>&1
I am adding custom tax based on a particular shipping and payment method using the following plugin: use MagentoCustomerApiDataAddressInterfaceFactory as CustomerAddressFactory; use MagentoCustomerApiDataRegionInterfaceFactory as CustomerAddressRegionFactory; use MagentoQuoteApiDataShippingAssignmentInterface; use MagentoQuoteModelQuoteAddress; class Tax extends MagentoTaxModelSalesTotalQuoteTax { /** * Class constructor * *… Read More »Magento 2: Custom tax not beign sent to paypal
I have a custom model with three fields, i.e id, city and region. How can I remove duplicates from the region column when querying the table? How can I group all the cities under the same region? I have pasted… Read More »Magento 2: Remove Duplicates From The Collection