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magento man

Magento 2: Getting Issue to Get the extension_attribute Payload PostData in beforePlugin

How to get an shippingAddress extension_attribute postData in before plugin while creating the order via the API? For example: I have managed to add that field of extension_attributes, in the calling of /rest/V1/carts/mine/shipping-information API with the following payload: { “addressInformation”:… Read More »Magento 2: Getting Issue to Get the extension_attribute Payload PostData in beforePlugin

Growing trends in Web Hosting industry.

Have you noticed these rising trends around the web? 1. Multi-Cloud hosting Cloud Hosting is the pooling of web server resources … | Read the rest of

Confused between Fastcomet and *********

Hello, I have a wordpress magazine site currently hosted at Namecheap. The magazine site lets people download PDF issues of the magazine an… | Read the rest of

Help to ensure good server configuration

I have a server that runs two sites. The site runs fine until we start to get over 200-300 concurrent users and then it starts to slow down… | Read the rest of