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Partial search by SKU

How would I configure M2/ElasticSearch being able to do a partial search by SKU? Searching for ‘12345’ would find SKU XX12345.

How to solve Autoload error using hyva theme in magento 2?

I am learning hyva theme for magento 2. Learning about hyva-react-checkout and Whenever I try to run any magento cli command, I get this error, Autoload error: Module ‘Hyva_ReactCheckout’ from ‘/var/www/hyva/public/vendor/hyva-themes/magento2-react-checkout/src’ has been already defined in ‘/var/www/hyva/public/vendor/hyva-themes/magento2-hyva-checkout/src’ How Do I… Read More »How to solve Autoload error using hyva theme in magento 2?

Growing trends in Web Hosting industry.

Have you noticed these rising trends around the web? 1. Multi-Cloud hosting Cloud Hosting is the pooling of web server resources … | Read the rest of