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Admin grid edit button logics

i have my Edit.php <?php namespace MeetanshiExtensionControllerAdminhtmlPost; use MagentoBackendAppAction; use MagentoBackendModelViewResultRedirectFactory; use MagentoBackendAppActionContext; use MagentoFrameworkControllerResultRedirect; use MagentoFrameworkControllerResultJsonFactory; use MagentoFrameworkRegistry; use MagentoFrameworkViewResultPage; use MagentoFrameworkViewResultPageFactory; use MagentoBackendModelSession; use MeetanshiExtensionControllerAdminhtmlPost; use MeetanshiExtensionModelPostFactory; class Edit extends Post { protected $_backendSession; protected $_resultPageFactory; protected $_resultJsonFactory;… Read More »Admin grid edit button logics

Magento 2: How to get payer id to be used in setPaymentMethodOnCart mutation for paypal express checkout

I am trying to get the Payer Id to be used in setPaymentMethodOnCart mutation but don’t know how to get that. mutation { setPaymentMethodOnCart(input: { cart_id: “rMQdWEecBZr4SVWZwj2AF6y0dNCKQ8uH” payment_method: { code: “paypal_express” paypal_express: { payer_id: “<PayPal_PayerID>” token: “<PayPal_Token&gt” } } })… Read More »Magento 2: How to get payer id to be used in setPaymentMethodOnCart mutation for paypal express checkout

pointing the nameservers

i want to move from a host of free subdomains to hostgator. do people normally post previously-created free free domain endings to customer… | Read the rest of