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magento man

Remote Authentication

I need to replicate something like Adobe ID: A fault-tolerant authentica… | Read the rest of

very tiny shopping cart images

I don’t think I’ve touched this part but the cart images are showing extremely tiny images This is the one where you click on the shopping cart. I’m extending form the Luma theme

Magento 2.4.5: Abstract class does not see another class?

I’m working on fixing one of the plugins that stopped sending emails. It uses: use MagentoFrameworkMailTemplateTransportBuilder To send email: $transport = $this->transportBuilder->setTemplateIdentifier((int)$template) ->setTemplateOptions([‘area’ => MagentoFrameworkAppArea::AREA_FRONTEND, ‘store’ => $storeId]) ->setTemplateVars($templateVars) ->setFromByScope($sender) ->addTo($toSender) ->getTransport(); For some strange reason, this class is not… Read More »Magento 2.4.5: Abstract class does not see another class?