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Catalog Search returns 450 error

Magento Version: 2.4.3 Search Query: https://siteurl/catalogsearch/result/?q=sku The search query works well but sometimes for certain product it returns 450 error. Is there any solution? Please let me know. Thanks.

New to Magento phtml code doesn’t show

I’ve been trying to add phtml to my custom theme but it doesn’t show for example <block class=”MagentoCatalogBlockProductView” name=”product_view_custom_block” before=”-” template=”Magento_Catalog::product/view/custom_block.phtml”/> path for xml is <theme_name><theme>Magento_Cataloglayoutcatalog_category_view.xml path is <theme_name><theme>Magento_Catalogproductviewcustom_block.phtml the template=”” what should I put inside the double quotes? Did… Read More »New to Magento phtml code doesn’t show

Customer address not save programatically in magento 2

I tried to create and save customer address for a registered, logged user. My code in controller is like below. $addresss = $objectManager->get(‘MagentoCustomerModelAddressFactory’); $address = $addresss->create(); $address->setCustomerId(3) ->setFirstname(“FirstName”) ->setLastname(‘LastName’) ->setCountryId(“AE”) ->setPostcode(“10000”) ->setCity(‘Panoi’) ->setTelephone(“074983118”) ->setFax(“443456789”) ->setCompany(“Company”) ->setStreet(“Street”) ->setIsDefaultBilling(‘1’) ->setIsDefaultShipping(‘1’) ->setSaveInAddressBook(‘1’); try{… Read More »Customer address not save programatically in magento 2