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Magento2 REST API/GraphQl for Multiple Shipping

I’m Creating PWA Website and I don’t find any API for multi shipping, I have checked Grapql on Magento’s doc but there is no option to set the address for each item. Does anyone know how to achieve this?

Shock Hosting experiences

Hello, if you have used or are using Shock Hosting (, can you please share your thoughts on them. How h… | Read the rest of

anonymous hosting

Hello. Some questions, is there any hosting that offers registrants in another country, when registering a domain, the country the domain… | Read the rest of

Host has let my domain exspire!

I am absolutely livid. How would you guys react with your hosting if they let your domain name exspire! Now I have gone into the client p… | Read the rest of

Experience with Amazon Lightsail and similar?

Hello, does anyone have experience using web hosting from the large providers like Amazon or Google. I don�t mean configuring your own AWS s… | Read the rest of

I installed Breeze theme on magento 2.3.2

I installed “Breeze blank” theme on magento 2.3.2 through composer but I can’t find it under magento/app/design/frontend/(theme) or /magento/app/code The theme is installed and is being used but not sure on how to edit it?