how to make dropdown required in shipping method
How to make drop down required if not selected echo a message that says, “please select one option”. i have attached screenshot to explain further the question i’m asking.
How to make drop down required if not selected echo a message that says, “please select one option”. i have attached screenshot to explain further the question i’m asking.
I don’t use MSI and i want so that swatches that are not available are hidden on the configurable product. How can this be done?
define([ ‘jquery’, ‘uiComponent’, ‘Magento_Customer/js/customer-data’, ‘domReady’ ], function ($, Component, customerData) { ‘use strict’; return Component.extend({ /** @inheritdoc */ initialize: function () { var _this = this; this._super(); this.wishlist = customerData.get(‘wishlist’); console.log(this.wishlist); this.wishlist.subscribe(function(newValue) { _this.decorateItems(); }); _this.decorateItems(); }, decorateItems: function() {… Read More »Wishlist item Always Return 3 items
In my master.html for a custom pagebuilder component, the “data” binding is not available. I always get an error that it’s undefined in frontend. But it’s working fine in preview.html preview.html (this is working) <div class=”pagebuilder-content-type pagebuilder-ls-teaser” event=”{ mouseover: onMouseOver,… Read More »Pagebuilder – knockout master.html rendered wrong on custom component
I have getting error Invalid address id at add to cart , issue with only migration customer Any solution to resolve this issue
I have created a custom page using route and controller.I have some image paths then how can i create slider for using these images
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I have enabled the templates hint for developer troubleshooting, but the hints not shown at frontend, do you know any reasons?
I have simple question, I would like to load/add extra field called ‘delivery_date’ in checkout page, I shared below screenshot where I have to load, I do not want to load custom field in extensionAttributes object Please give me advise… Read More »magento 2: how to Add extra field in shippingMethods object in checkout page
I want to access a encrypted file by accessing It is not working. I can access In the backend, I checked below files. /opt/bitnami/apache/conf/vhosts/magento-https-vhost.conf /home/bitnami/stack/magento/app/etc/env.php can anyone please help ?