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Where is MagentoCatalogApiDataProductExtensionInterface?

In Magento Product class (MagentoCatalogModelProduct) there is the function public function setExtensionAttributes(MagentoCatalogApiDataProductExtensionInterface $extensionAttributes) However, if I look at Magento codebase (e.g. there is no MagentoCatalogApiDataProductExtensionInterface. How come? There is probably something that I have not understood fully, please enlighten… Read More »Where is MagentoCatalogApiDataProductExtensionInterface?

Hosting recommendations built for speed

Hello all, I am trying to figure out what the best to move my hosting to is. Maybe someone here can help and not just push to who has the… | Read the rest of

Unable to ship ordered item when quantity is less than 1 in magento 2.4.4

I ordered an item with quantity is less than one. when creating shipment it shows the error “Shipment Document Validation Error(s): You can’t create a shipment without products. ” . Ordered item details – when clicking on ship button… Read More »Unable to ship ordered item when quantity is less than 1 in magento 2.4.4