How after placing order to change customer order email using Create a Event Observer
How after placing an order to change customer order email using Create an Event Observer
How after placing an order to change customer order email using Create an Event Observer
On the home page error is showing as in screenshot. Anyone can help me for removing this error?
I have a question, I want to order the id on getting cardholder name and card type number. so please help me. I have a custom API for order created at but want get the card holder name, card type
In the July 2022 survey we received responses from 1,139,467,659 sites across 271,728,559 unique domains and 12,341,172 web-facing computers. This reflects a loss of 7.5 million sites and 1.3 million domains, but a gain of 116,386 computers. Cloudflare continues its… Read More »July 2022 Web Server Survey
I need to export pages or templates made with Magento’s Page Builder and import them to another site. Is there some way of achieving this?
I have one more question or problem to solve: I use the tablerates for shipping costs. Now I have 2 countries (NLD and BEL) that give errors. It should be like this: IF weight is lower as 0.8 KG the… Read More »calculate shipping rates for specific countries or products in magento 2
I want to change the order of the products graphql in magento2,when I read the magento2 source,It’s use SearchCritera,I cannot found the method to add sort.what should I do.By the way I want to sort products by categories position
I am trying to remove some tabs I am using below file path and code app/design/frontend/vendorname/themename/Magento_Theme/layout/default.xml !– Downloadable product link –> <!– Subscription link –> <referenceBlock name=”customer-account-navigation-newsletter-subscriptions-link” remove=”true”/> <!– Billing agreement link –> <referenceBlock name=”customer-account-navigation-billing-agreements-link” remove=”true”/> <!– Product review… Read More »How to remove and change My Account Navigation
I will really appreciate any guidance on how to exclude a CSS file from CSS merge on all pages. The closest post I found is: Magento 2 : Exclude CSS from merged file just for the homepage I purchased the… Read More »Exclude CSS file from CSS Merge
We have a huge catalog of products, most of which we want to continue to have the standard setup of “When out of stock do not display product” as we currently have it setup. However, we have setup a attribute… Read More »Show Out of Stock products ONLY when a custom attribute is TRUE