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Getting error “Please enter a correct entity model” while creating product csv import

I am creating a custom product import function. While importing the csv I am getting an error Please enter a correct entity model. This is what I have done ModelImportProductImportProductImport.php <?php namespace TtmHelloPrintModelImport; use Exception; use MagentoFrameworkAppConfigScopeConfigInterface; use MagentoFrameworkAppResourceConnection; use… Read More »Getting error “Please enter a correct entity model” while creating product csv import

Help me replace, Google

I need only 2 things. 1) email 2) storage I have no intentions of hosting a website. All I’d do is put a single HTML file that said,… | Read the rest of

Help me choose a shared host.

I need to move my websites to other shared host, my current host is a nightmare, I can barely edit page or upgrade plugin. I try to avoi… | Read the rest of

Select items in multiselect on Product form in Admin area

On the Product edit form in the Admin area, I have added a multiselect field by overwriting the modifyMeta() method on MagentoCatalogUiDataProviderProductFormModifierAbstractModifier as so: <?php namespace DotancohenFoobarUiDataProviderProductFormModifier; use MagentoCatalogUiDataProviderProductFormModifierAbstractModifier; use MagentoUiComponentFormElementInput; use MagentoUiComponentFormElementSelect; use MagentoUiComponentFormFieldset; use MagentoUiComponentFormElementDataTypeText; use MagentoUiComponentFormField; use… Read More »Select items in multiselect on Product form in Admin area