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Deleted the Product image, but still the image exists in the product grid in magento 2

I have deleted the product image using following code $imageProcessor = $_objectManager->create(‘MagentoCatalogModelProductGalleryProcessor’); $images = $product->getMediaGalleryImages(); $productGallery = $_objectManager->create(‘MagentoCatalogModelResourceModelProductGallery’); foreach($images as $child) { $objectManager = MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance(); $productGallery = $objectManager->create(‘MagentoCatalogModelResourceModelProductGallery’); $productGallery->deleteGallery($child[‘value_id’]); $product->setMediaGalleryEntries([]); $imageProcessor->removeImage($product, $child[‘file’]); $product->save(); } Image successfully deleted. But due to… Read More »Deleted the Product image, but still the image exists in the product grid in magento 2

Zend Pdf round corners in rectangle section

I wrote the below code to show rectangle in pdf file $page->setFillColor(new Zend_Pdf_Color_GrayScale(0.92)); $page->setLineColor(new Zend_Pdf_Color_GrayScale(0.92)); $page->drawRectangle($x, $oldY+20, ($pageWidth/2)-50, $this->y-10); $page->setFillColor(new Zend_Pdf_Color_GrayScale(0)); $page->setLineColor(new Zend_Pdf_Color_GrayScale(0)); AND Output is But I need round corners in rectangle how can I do this in Magento… Read More »Zend Pdf round corners in rectangle section