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magento man

There is an error in vendor/magento/framework/Setup/Declaration/Schema/Declaration/SchemaBuilder.php at line: 253

I am upgrading the Magento version from 2.2.3 to 2.4.7-p2. After successfully running the composer update command, I encountered the following error when running the setup:upgrade command. There is an error in /vendor/magento/framework/Setup/Declaration/Schema/Declaration/SchemaBuilder.php at line: 253 MagentoFrameworkSetupDeclarationSchemaDeclarationSchemaBuilder::processTable(): Return value must… Read More »There is an error in vendor/magento/framework/Setup/Declaration/Schema/Declaration/SchemaBuilder.php at line: 253

Filter product collection issue with admin create order product selection grid in Magento 2.4

I have overridden two methods of two class to add custom filter in create admin order product selection grid but filter is not working in first load. Below is my code: di.xml <preference for=”MagentoSalesBlockAdminhtmlOrderCreateSearchGrid” type=”VendorModuleBlockAdminhtmlOrderCreateSearchGrid”/> <type name=”MagentoCatalogModelResourceModelProductCollection”> <plugin name=”filter_product_by_attribute_set_plugin” type=”VendorModulePluginFilterProductByAttributeSetPlugin”/>… Read More »Filter product collection issue with admin create order product selection grid in Magento 2.4

how to get the getdata js data in the backend like observer in magneto 2

define([“Magento_Checkout/js/view/payment/default”, “jquery”], function (Component,$) { “use strict”; return Component.extend({ defaults: { template: “Test_Payments/payment/testpay”, }, getData: function () { return { method: this.item.method, additional_data: { iban: $.trim($(‘#data1’).val()), bic: $.trim($(‘#data2’).val()) } }; } }); });


Not sure if anyone else has experience with luckygservers, but what should I do when I’m being forced to share space on their gambling serv… | Read the rest of